Thursday, June 23, 2011

Since my last post...

It seems my birding blog has fallen into the dreaded trap that seems to await all bloggers - two years with no new content! My birding activities in that time have been opportunistic (lunch hour and weekend birding when I could) but still rewarding. My life list has grown by thirty species in that time and now sits just shy of 200, with a grand total of 191.

I will list my recent accomplishments briefly here, with the dates and descriptions I find in my Birdlist application.

Veery (Shell Park, Burlington, Ontario - 2009-05-08)
Notes: Flew into the bushes just off the path

Wood Thrush (Shell Park, Burlington, Ontario - 2009-05-08)
Notes: Got a good view of one low down in an open area in the woods

Tennessee Warbler (Shell Park, Burlington, Ontario - 2009-05-08)
Notes: One flitting in the trees by the creek

Blackburnian Warbler (Shell Park, Burlington, Ontario - 2009-05-08)
Notes: One in the trees just off the path

Magnolia Warbler (Shell Park, Burlington, Ontario - 2009-05-08)
Notes: One singing off the path

Black-throated Green Warbler (Shell Park, Burlington, Ontario - 2009-05-08)
Notes: A male and female in the trees beside the creek

Swainson's Thrush (Home, Hamilton, Ontario - 2009-05-11)
Notes: One seen in the small wooded lot nearby while looking for a Summer Tanager

Indigo Butning (Shell Park, Burlington, Ontario - 2009-05-12)
Notes: First thought was "Barn Swallow" then "Bluebird." It wasn't until I raised my camera that I though bunting, and I got one quick snap before if flew off.

Cape May Warbler (Ruthven Park, Cayuga, Ontario - 2009-05-18)
Notes: At least three or four in the spruces right beside the house. Good views and photos of a male.

Chimney Swift (Ruthven Park, Cayuga, Ontario - 2009-05-18)
Notes: A pair flying over the house

Eastern Wood Pewee (Ruthven Park, Cayuga, Ontario - 2009-05-18)
Notes: One calling in the woods behind the cemetery

Purple Martin (Port Dover, Ontario - 2009-05-18)
Notes: Two (possibly a female and immature) sitting on top of a pair of Martin houses

Blue-winged Warbler (Ruthven Park, Cayuga, Ontario - 2009-05-18)
Notes: One was netted and banded, and I saw it in the tree it flew into upon release

Cape May Warbler (Ruthven Park, Cayuga, Ontario - 2009-05-18)
Notes: At least three or four in the spruces right beside the house. Good views and photos of a male

Phainopepla (Brampton, Ontario - 2009-11-23)
Notes: Seen in a backyard with excellent views. very helpful homeowners pointed it out, after having been sighted for two weeks.

King Eider (50 Point Conservation Area, Stoney Creek, Ontario - 2010-03-08)
Notes: Two winter males seen through a scope and binoculars. Too far off for photos.

American Scoter (50 Point Conservation Area, Stoney Creek, Ontario - 2010-03-08)
Notes: Two males flying behind a group of ducks. Seen briefly with binoculars.

Golden Eagle (Sault Ste Marie, Ontario - 2010-04-02)
Notes: One flew over Eden's house, along with a red-shouldered hawn and some red-tailed hawks.

Northern Raven (Sault Ste Marie, Ontario - 2010-04-05
Notes: Two seen (separately) flying over the highway as we left

Eastern Towhee (Home, Hamilton, Ontario - 2010-04-21)
Notes: One on the path by the stream calling and then digging through the leaf litter

Wilson's Snipe (10th Concession, Stoney Creek, Ontario - 2010-04-29)
Notes: Very well hidden near the Dowitcher but very close by. Probing the mud with his/her long beak.

Long-billed Dowitcher (10th Concession, Stoney Creek, Ontario - 2010-04-29)
Notes: In a flooded field along the Dofasco trail, spotted by me. Hanging around a Dunlin and - later on - a snipe.

Dunlin (10th Concession, Stoney Creek, Ontario - 2009-04-29)
Notes: Standing nearby, right beside the Dowitcher

Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario - 2010-05-16)
Notes: An excellent look at one in a tree at the parking area outside the camp sites

Yellow-throated Video (Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario - 2010-05-16)
Notes: One seen briefly in the camp sites

Warbling Vireo (Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario - 2010-05-16)
Notes: Two in the camp sites with one singing

Little Gull (Manomet, Massachusetts, USA - 2010-08-23)
Notes: Numerous on the beach at the cottage in various states of plummage

Laughing Gull (Manomet, Massachusetts, USA - 2010-08-23)
Notes: Numerous on the beach at the cottage in various states of plummage

Northern Gannet (Manomet, Massachusetts, USA - 2010-08-27)
Notes: A few seen while whale watching. Erin spotted them plunge diving.

Fox Sparrow (London, Ontario - 2011-04-22)
Notes: One on the feeders one house down from Shelly. Flew into a flowering bush right at the edge of the property, good looks at the red streaking.

Black-and-white Warbler (Home, Hamilton, Ontario - 2011-05-07)
Notes: One flitting in the tree over-hanging the head of the creek

Looks like a had good days on the 8th and 18th of May in 2009. Keeping bird lists is a great way to remember what you were doing at different points during the year! :)

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